How Bail Bonds Work – Types, Conditions & How to Recoup Money

A bail bond is an essential legal process which seeks to provide temporal freedom for defendants accused of committing crimes. In cases involving petty crimes, it’s more easier to get a bail once requested by an attorney or family member. However, this is different in cases involving major criminal offenses. That said, let’s have a look at few facts concerning bail services

Role of Bail Bondsmen 

The main role of a bail agent is to back you up when seeking a bail. The agent has full knowledge of statutory law and knows the extent of aiding the process. It’s important to understand that bail bonds are not generally applied. They cannot be accessed by every offender as well as used for every kind of crime committed. The law first seeks to protect the rights of victims the same way they do to defendants. 

After a court of law has issued a bail to a suspect, the bondsman takes charge to ensure the offender lives by the bail terms and conditions. This is where Acme Bail services come in. The company will ensure the defendant will avail him or herself to for all court proceedings.

Can Bond Be Revoked?

The bondsman is legally allowed to revoke a bond once the suspect violates the terms of bail. This may happen when an offender tries to escape, fails to attend court hearings, fails to maintain no contact with the alleged victims among other issues. Also, there are various instances where a suspect can get a bond without the involvement of Acme Bail bond services such as cash bonds.

Forms of Bail Bonds

A bail bond agent is legally allowed to offer various types of bonds. First, the agency offers surety bonds which are supported by other sources in place of the full monetary value. 

Another form of bond is citation release form. This is the easiest type of bail which requires no financial exchange. If the offender fails to appear in court, then extra fines and the bond costs will be charged.

The judge may also issue a bond for suspects who pledge to abide by court conditions. This is known as a personal recognizance bond. This type of bond is only applicable to high profile cases with no risks of flight. Property bond may also be issued for defendants who use their owner property as a security for the bond. If the offender violates the bail terms, then the court may foreclose his or her property. 

If you are in need of bail bond services, then make no hesitation to contact Acme Bail. Give them a call today and request a free quote.… Read the rest